Bear Vault Food Container

Size Medium / 7.2L Large / 11.5L Small /5l

5 Liter BV 425

7.2 Liter BV450

11.5 Liter BV500


  • Specifically designed to be wide, round and slippery to reduce leverage points for entry from bear jaws, claws and paws
  • Weight is low and volume is high, thanks to the durable, polycarbonate construction
  • Screw-on lid is intuitive and secure, and doesn't require extra tools to operate; no need to overtighten; see instructional video on how to properly open and close container
  • Transparent canister is easy to see into and doesn't require you to empty the contents of the container to find specific items
  • Wide opening allows you to reach all the way in to find your tasty treats
  • Strap guides aid in strapping and packing canister to your preference; an ideal place for your can is inside your pack just above your sleeping bag
  • Container doubles as a camp stool, a luxury most backpackers leave behind; close lid fully when using as a stool to preserve the screw-top threads
  • This BearVault model has approval from both the Sierra Interagency Black Bear Group and Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee
  • Stash on the ground or in a niche 100 ft. downwind of camp and cooking site; do not hang; never keep BearVault inside your tent
  • Wipe rim clean of dirt and grime, and clean with mild soap and warm water; use a dry bag with your canister near saltwater; apply food-grade silicone to threads as needed
  • Note: harsh chemicals will destroy the plastic; keep DEET and other strong chemicals away, or double bag it carefully if storing inside
  • When not using, store in a dry, cool place out of UV sun rays


Technical specs

Best Use
Gear Capacity (L)
7.2 liters
Gear Capacity (cu. in.)
440 cubic inches
8.7 x 8.3 inches
2 lbs. 1 oz.



Best Use
Gear Capacity (L)
11.5 liters
Gear Capacity (cu. in.)
700 cubic inches
8.7 x 12.7 inches
2 lbs. 9 oz.